The package diemr
provides a function
, which converts diploid genotypes in a vcf file
(optionally, the vcf file can be gzipped) to a file with format required
by diem
. To start, load the diemr
package or
install it from CRAN if it is not yet available:
# Attempt to load a package, if the package was not available, install and load
if(!require("diemr", character.only = TRUE)){
install.packages("diemr", dependencies = TRUE)
library("diemr", character.only = TRUE)
Next, decide whether all markers in the vcf file should be polarised
from one file, or whether the analysis will benefit from
parallelisation. Parallelisation is available on UNIX-based platforms,
and we advise to use it for large datasets. diem
itself can
also work in parallel on multiple data compartments. vcf files
and compartments can correspond to the same thing OR you can
concatenate/split vcf2diem outputs to produce diem
# Path to the vcf file
inputfile <- system.file("extdata", "myotis.vcf", package = "diemr")
# File name for the output
# If working directory does not have writing privileges, the filename must include a path to a suitable folder
outputfile <- "myotis"
# Convert the vcf file to two diem files
vcf2diem(SNP = inputfile, filename = outputfile, chunk = 2)
# Expecting to include 11 markers per diem file.
# If you expect more markers in the file, provide suitable chunk size.
# Done with chunk 1
The vcf2diem
function processes calls for sites into the
encoding for sites. The site order will be identical
to that in the original vcf file (but see chapter Sites not informative for genome
The diemr
package uses a concise genome representation,
differentiating homozygotes for the two most frequent alleles at each
site, and their respective heterozygotes (mixed state of the two most
common alleles). All other genotypes represent an unknown state.
Specifically, the genotypes encoded as 0
homozygotes for one of the two most frequent alleles, 1
heterozygous (mixed state) genotypes for the two most frequent alleles,
are homozygotes for the other allele, and U
(symbol “_” is also allowed) is an unknown state that can be a missing
genotype or a genotype that includes a third (or a fourth) allele.
What logically follows from this description is that genome
polarisation is meaningful only for variant sites (markers). Invariant
sites will have low support and, though they will not
change the diem
outcome, they will slow down convergence
and obscure the nature of change between taxa. During diem
iterations their obscuring effect is removed by rescaling the hybrid
indices onto [0, 1]. Including
invariant sites in genome polarisation is acceptable, and likely
unavoidable. A proportion of truly invariant sites will be mis-diagnosed
as variant due to sequencing errors.
At this time, genome polarisation uses variant markers where alleles
differ in nucleotide substitutions. Insertions or deletions (indels) are
not allowed to be classified among the most frequent alleles in the
Along side invariant sites, some variant sites are also uninformative
for genome polarisation. Sites that include only missing data and
heterozygous genotypes are unpolarisable. In general applications, one
might wish to exclude sites that are only included in a vcf
due to the presence of a single heterozygous individual.
Uninformative sites will have support equal to 0, and their polarity will thus be equal to the null polarity. Including uninformative sites has similar consequences to including invariant sites. When a user wishes to retain such sites, we advice to then filter polarised markers with high support (or simply high diagnostic index, which is strongly correlated with support) for subsequent analyses and interpretation.
Haploid data, including markers on sex chromosomes of the
heterogametic sex, are usually shown as sequence alignments. To
illustrate the principle of genome representation used in
, let’s have an 8bp-long alignment with five
We can see that the example alignment contains four variant markers
at sites 1, 4, 5, and 8. Marker 5 contains a deletion in ind3, while
other markers vary in different nucleotide substitutions. In marker 1,
two individuals have an allele A, two individuals have an allele T and
one has a C. This marker can be resolved in terms of two most frequent
alleles A and T, where the individual ind4 has a third allele and is
therefore considered as having an unknown genomic state. To convert the
marker into diem
format, we must make a decision on which
allele will be encoded as 0. The choice is arbitrary. Good practice is
to keep a record of genotype encoding. Let’s decide
that all alleles in ind1 will be encoded as 0. Marker 1 will then be
Contrary to DNA sequence alignments, diem format transposes the data. Rows in diem input files are markers and columns represent individual samples. The diem output for the example alignment will thus have four lines representing the four variant markers, and five columns representing the individuals.
The diem format does not store information on marker identification
or location. This metadata must be saved separately in a ‘bed-like’ file
(with at minimum the scaffold and position for each site).
uses a prefix S
at line starts to ensure
that all operating systems always read genotypes as strings without
attempting to convert them into numbers. Encoding of markers 4 and 8
shown above is at risk of being interpreted as numeric. The final file
in diem
format will be:
Diploid markers in DNA sequence alignment can be resolved in an analogous way to haploid markers. Heterozygotes in alignments can be identified according to their IUPAC DNA ambiguity codes (see Table 1 in ). For example, code W may represent an accepted heterozygote in Marker 1, where the most frequent alleles are A and T.
Variant markers in genomic context will be most often identified
using variant callers from sequence reads mapped onto a reference. Such
data are stored or can be converted to variant call format (vcf). We
implemented conversion of vcf files to diem format for the vcf
version 4.2 in function vcf2diem
. The function resolves
indels and markers with more than two alleles to obtain biallelic
genotypes for all markers included in the original vcf file.
The conversion might result in some markers no longer being polymorphic. We advise checking how frequent invariant markers are after conversion.
# Import the first converted file for all individuals
# and without changing marker polarity
myotis <- importPolarized("myotis-01.txt",
changePolarity = rep(FALSE, 11),
ChosenInds = 1:14)
# Check whether a marker includes heterozygotes
# or that there is more than one genotype
apply(myotis, MARGIN = 2,
FUN = \(x) any(grepl("1", x)) | sum(levels(factor(x)) %in% c("0", "1", "2")) > 1)
# m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8 m9 m10 m11
Starting from version 1.2.2, vcf2diem
removes markers
that include
We include a list of the included markers in a bed-like file ending
with -includedSites.txt in the working directory. The file
includes information from columns CHROM
and QUAL
for the respective markers, and records the (good
practice) record of genotype encoding. The file
includedLoci.txt must be checked when interpreting polarised markers to
ensure correct marker annotation.
We include a list of the removed markers in a bed-like file ending
with -omittedSites.txt in the working directory. The file
includes information from columns CHROM
and QUAL
for the respective markers, and provides the
reason, why the marker was omitted.
The same principles apply to higher ploidy datasets. Preparing data
in diem
format for genome polarisation includes these
Note that vcf2diem
only converts diploid datasets at
this time, and should not be used to convert polyploid vcf files.